As you've probably read in our "Concord history page", here at our site, we were not the first sailors to sail a ship named after Concord. Actually there have been several but Concord (CL-10) which was home to our greatest generation sailors has much history to tell \ teach. You can read about CL-10 at our history page, but we've created this page "Concord CL-10" for the stories of our "foresailors" who paved our way. Special thanks to those sailors who sailed that are still with us, and family members who wished to cement their memories in our site for honour.

Jenni Olson, daughter of BM1 Harry Roy Olson (1921-1985), contacted us after finding our site and wished to contribute her fathers pictures here at our site. Of course we readily agreed to publish his memories and each time we receive these moments in time they reflect on each sailors time serving and causes a reflection into our own time we served. As you peruse Jenni’s pictures just think of the special times these were and in particular the shell-back initiation. I was fortunate enough to shed my pollywog skin on-board AFS-5 in September of 1985 and while I felt like this was “real navy” it seems to pale in comparison to what Roy went through. Also, pay special attention the minute man statue above the air tight door in pictures “friends under the statue” and “on the deck of Concord”.
Thanks for sharing, Jenni

Hi my name is Curtis Creek. My Papaw was in WWII on the USS Concord CL-10. Here is his story that he wrote, and was printed in a book. I hope you can put this on your web page. I have read this story so many times,but he has told us this story more than I can ever count. Of course all of this story is true, this is a cleaner version. Us grand kids have heard all the horror that happend on his ship. Things that brought tears to my Papaws eyes, and he was a man that never cried. I sure miss my Papaw....RIP PAPAW .....

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