Eternal Deployment

Some went out on the sea in ships;
    they were merchants on the mighty waters.
 They saw the works of the Lord,
    his wonderful deeds in the deep.
 For he spoke and stirred up a tempest
    that lifted high the waves.
 They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths;
    in their peril their courage melted away.

They reeled and staggered like drunkards;

    they were at their wits’ end.

Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,

    and he brought them out of their distress.

He stilled the storm to a whisper;
    the waves of the sea were hushed.
 They were glad when it grew calm,
    and he guided them to their desired haven.

Psalm 107:23-30(NIV)

On this page we’ll list CONCORD shipmates who have departed on Eternal Deployment.  Anyone knowing of other shipmates who have departed, please notify us by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.  If a shipmate’s name appears with an underline, click to read their obituary!

I’d like to report a deceased shipmate

27/NOV/68 – 18/JUL/12

LCDR Peter Rabang

LT Sam Savas (HC-6)
SN Henry Miller
MS3 Chester Lee Stanfield

LTJG Thomas Hohlweck – 09/11 World Trade Center casualty

BM2 Donald Batten

CAPT Edward P. Stilwell

BTCS David Thibodeau

BM3 Michael Thacker

LTJG Antonio Ruiz

ET2 William Browand 70-75

HTC Charles Saunders

SN Raymond J. Seigler SR.

RMCS Larry R. Potts

RM1 Christopher Bolanz

BM3 David Lathrope “Plank Owner”

SKSN James Gollinger

EN2 Binnie Knudson (Plankowner)

MS3 Patrick H. Faircloth Jr. 81-85

Brian P. McMahon

CDR Thomas L. Horvatic

Sam Harrison (85-89)

CAPT Otto William Will, III (Commanding Officer 77-79)

HT1 Edward W. Charlie (78-?)

OS3 Keith Barksdale

Steven L. Cottrell 76-78

John Wallace “Wally” Clifford

BT3 Paul Bartleson 68-72

LT Clayton C Hayden 77- 81

SK2 Bob Reese (Plank owner) 68-70
Jack Murphy jr. E-3 77-78

Richard A. Buttina CDR

SKSC Roger Butler

Capt: Crawford A. Easterling, (Commanding Officer 73-74)

MMCS Laurence “Larry” Webb

MR2 Kerry Aylesworth

SKSN Terry Lein

SN Anthony Tedone

FN Robert Stump

CAPT Richard F. Dewey

AK1 Jay Bostick

SH3 George T “Tommy” Boyd
ET1 (SW) Jason Jane’

OS1 R.C. Moore

IC2 Bruce Kuehne

SKC Fred Joseph Kerekes

BT2 John Longfellow

BM2 Dave Daly (“Plank Owner” 68-71)

DPC Frederick D. Jones (“Plank Owner”)

BM2 James Michael ‘Mickey’ Hurlburt Sr (Plank Owner)

SHS3 Michael W Rucker (86-89)

Ricky Eugene Rice (68-71) photos attached.

Terry Bolton (1968-1971)

Brian K Gorman MMCS(SW/AW)

 CSC Randall Decatur  (73-75)

Dean L. Troutman (E-6 70(?)-81)

IC2 Edward Peacock 1970 – 73

Capt Merril C. Pinkepank
2nd CO, 1970 – 1971
SM1 Robert A Exel 

Barry S. Shultz, M.D. Lt USNR Ship’s Doc early 70-72

QMSN Ken Lovell (72-75)

William Jones BMSN 91-93

Russell Terrill SKSN 69-70

Loren William Snyder

AK1 Carmel Jean “C.J.” Dietz

MS1 Robert Cherry 80-83

SK1 Charles Ken Keyser (Plank owner)

CAPT Kathleen McGrath Obituary

SN Joseph  Holdsworth

CDR Carl Finefrock

SK3 Jamie Fallon Obituary (9/11 Pentagon casualty)

LT Barry Schultz

SM1 Roberts Burns

CDR Jon Strausbaugh

ET1 Champ Echols

IT1 (SW) Macarthur Williams

ETR 3 George Estes

BM2 Raymond Sullivan

PCC Harlan “Kirk” Kirkendall

BM2 James Anthony Molinari “Plank Owner”

BM3 Robert H. “Bob” Sulser, “Plank Owner”, 2nd Division.

DPC Eugene “Gene” Harold Stanton

SKSN John Trendler 68-70 “Plankowner”

CAPT Louis J. Collister, Plank Owner and Concords 1st Commanding Officer

SKC Keith Church(82-85)

SKSN Thomas Truskowski  (68-71)

Charles W. Burton “Chuck” (SK2 early 82-86)

Joseph Leroy “Jojo” Burton Jr. (HT early 83-87)

Charles W. Bauer

EW3 Rodney Gossert

CAPT Van F. Westfall, (Commanding Officer 80-82)

QMSN Jack D. Mayo (72-75)

Alvoid Brown MS3

Capt. Casimir E Sojka 73-74

Marcus Gates

SK3 Eddie Pettipaw (72-75)

SK2 Louis Hart (82-86)

Monwell Chaisson (72-75)

Eric Glover (90-93)

CAPT George R Waterman (Commanding Officer 86-88)

Mark Krenik BMSN

RM2 Euin “Tiny” Leonard (plank owner 68-70)

EM3 Steven “Doc” Severance (71-73)

GMG3 Raymond Zamora jr. 78-81

LCDR Samuel Jackson “Jack” Visage Jr.

PN3 Larry Dickey 80-84

RD2 Joseph Caruso 71-73

MS1 Russell Lee Bellamy

EMFN Mike Jourdan (82-85)

BM3 Herdis Brown 81-84

PC1 Bert William Bosley 79-81

EM3 Daniel Law 90-92

BM3 Sam Massey 68-69

DP3 Juan (John) Rayos (83-85)

BM3 Gary Affolter 69-70

LT Richard Davis 73-75

James Townlin

BMCM Jack C. Hall, Chief Master at Arms

BM1 James E. Turk Sr. D1 Division Leader

YNC Ira V. Howard, Ship’s office

YNC Thomas J. Armao, Ship’s office

YNC John B. Creech, Ship’s office

YN3 Robert “Buck” Slater, Ship’s office

DS2 John P. Lindell, Data systems

SN Edward Graham, D1 Division

RADM Richard T. Gaskell, Commanding Officer 74-75

LCDR Leonard William Riedel, Chief Engineer
SK2 Charles “Chuck” Osmon 79-82
HM2 Ron Dods 71-72
HM3 Larry R. Callison 71-?
DT2 Johnnie Gates
LT Garry N Collins, Supply Officer, 81-84
DP3 Paul Parker 68-70
William Benson SK
Allen Hale SH3 69-70

Robert Thompkins LCDR

Stanley Prachniak ETC 

Harry Byers LCDR 85-88
Larry Wallace MS1 80-83
Bruce Koon DP3 79-81


                                            Under the wide and starry sky
Dig thee grave and let me lie:
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here lies where he long’d to be:
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Concord sailors have two families, one that is biological and one borne out of steel, deployment, and dedication to our country. A loss of either family member is heartbreaking and difficult. This is one of the main reasons our association was formed, to remember our brothers and sisters who have sailed on. LCDR Shepperd sent the following report of a shipmates’ passing and his thoughts concerning his mentor warranted posting below. Thanks Mike.


Since I retired from the USN in September of 1994, I’ve been trying to track down LCDR Richard A. Buttina.  He was Ops boss on the USS CONCORD (AFS-5) from about the time that I first reported until the Spring of 1980.  He taught me a lot.  I finally tracked him down.  Unfortunately, he died on Christmas Day 2011.  This breaks my heart.  While moored in Norfolk, VA in February 1980, (I think it was 20 February 1980) he was CDO on the CONCORD.  We were watching the “Miracle on Ice” hockey game in the wardroom.  After the USA had won, I asked his permission to pass the word to the crew, even though it was after Taps.  He immediately said, “yes.”  I went to the Quarterdeck and personally passed the word to the crew that team USA had beaten the Russians and were to take on Sweden in the Gold Medal round.  The team won that, too!  After I passed the word, you could hear a roar emanating from below decks all the way to several levels above the main decks.  LCDR Buttina was a special man.  He needs to be remembered by the crew of the USS CONCORD.

Michael B. Shepperd, LCDR, USN (Ret.)

Jenni Olson, daughter of BM1 Harry Roy Olson (1921-1985), contacted us after finding our site and wished to contribute her fathers pictures here at our site. Of course we readily agreed to publish his memories and each time we receive these moments in time they reflect on each sailors time serving and causes a reflection into our own time we served. As you peruse Jenni’s pictures just think of the special times these were and in particular the shell-back initiation. I was fortunate enough to shed my pollywog skin on-board AFS-5 in September of 1985 and while I felt like this was “real navy” it seems to pale in comparison to what Roy went through. Also, pay special attention the minute man statue above the air tight door in pictures “friends under the statue” and “on the deck of Concord”.

Thanks for sharing, Jenni